Monday, 21 February 2011

Back to work

I was quite looking forward to getting back to my little routine, but after the weekend and expanding my horizons with my cilly eating habits, I decided I should shake it up a bit. I also decided that a trip to the supermarket was much needed as my fridge was starting to look very sorry for itself.

For lunch I went back to Tesco's, but this time I knew what I was getting and it was a totally different experience from the meltdown moment of last week. On my lunch list was a jacket potato, an avocado and some philadelphia, easy (and delicious) - now I'm starting to find my feet, I realise it's just a case of programming yourself in terms of what you can eat and how you think about food. 

After lunch I thought I'd order my shopping from Ocado, and it turned out to be the best decision I could have made (apart from the fact that I don't actually have to carry it) - they have a gluten-free button, so when you tick that you know everything you're ordering is gluten-free. Easy.

I ordered plenty of fresh vegetables, fish and Nando's inspired chicken (the muffins really weren't cutting it).  I stopped off at Sainsbury's on the way home to get something for supper (Ocado were delivering in the morning),  I ended up in their 'Free From' section and spotted bread - which I had totally put out of my mind, but when I saw it was gluten-free I had to go for it.

When I got home I put a slice in the toaster, but impatience (and hunger) got the better of me, and I buttered a piece of bread whilst it was toasting and added cucumber and cheese - woah! It was amazing, just like normal bread, and soft - I couldn't believe it. The toast though, yuk, it had a really strange smell when it was cooked, I can't explain it but no, not good. I also bought some muffins.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean Cilly! Bread can be tricky... try Wharburton or Genius, they are the most similar to normal bread.
    I still could not find hot dog bread that doesn't smell...but you may!!! let me know!! besos
